
Natur Tanz Exkursion mit Studierenden der HfMDK Frankfurt. Collagen Bilder im Feld, mit Authentic Movement und Automatic Writing.
Natur Tanz Exkursion mit Studierenden der HfMDK Frankfurt. Raus aus der Stadt in die Natur. Ressourcen auftanken im Blind-Walk zu zweit.
Natur Tanz Exkursion mit Studierenden der HfMDK Frankfurt. Feld- Silent Alk, die Sinnes Wahrnehmung sensibilisieren und stärken.
Natur Tanz Exkursion mit Studierenden der HfMDK Frankfurt. Imaging, sensing, moving im Wald im Taunus Frankfurt.
Natur Tanz Exkursion mit Studierenden der HfMDK Frankfurt. Die Sicht weiten, die visuelle Wahrnehmung im offenen Horizont entspannen und im Mikrokosmos der Natur fokussieren.
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BOUNCINGFORWARD: excursion in nature with students of the 1st year BAtanz HfMDK Frankfurt at the end of SuSemester '22. What do we need, after a full year of training and performing? Exploring nature spaces, re-connecting to our resources, stimulatingall our senses, experiencing a different sense of time and space. Composing with nature elements as an interbeing, observing how wecommunicate within this ecosystem. Through various tasks and methodsas authenticmovement, automaticwriting, silent/blindwalkingweexplore, move, dance and reflect: Howdo we relate to our environmentand interactthrough a moving body-mind, active/receptive?

Voices: Nature is the source of energy like for every person… When I go there it is like if I go to another world…natureis something really pure… I like going in the woods and do shit. It gives me the feeling I amin a room but without walls… It is very peaceful for me… itis living but not communicating with words. Just be nature.

Photos in the fields by Roberto Bellapianta

Britta Schönbrunn © 2023‍