"fente" erinnert daran, daß es doch Wege gibt, weiter zu sehen, weiter zu denken, den Raum auszudehnen. Herbst "AKI" Japan 2000 B.S. Das fünftägige Performance-Projekt entstand in den Bergen und im Bambus-Wald von Kezouin-Tempel bei Kamakura. Die Natur, der Herbst wird nach dem Prinzip von Gei Raku Juku (nach visual artist Ken Kagayama) befragt. "Nature: give thoughts to: "what is nature felt by people?" Think about, how you feel about the actual state of nature. Pause! Give thoughts, to what you have encountered. Treasure things, that can not be found with an aim. Try: start by trying - than think - than try again. Find possibilities from repeating trials! In your way. Pause. "I" as a subject think about "now". Ask yourself questions by becoming keenly aware of your surrounding. Fotos by Hiko Miyao