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Nature is a place and space for co-existence! How do I - as a human being - relate to my closest environment? How can I be respectful to others and take full responsibility in my actions, by thinking also of future consequences? Being and creating in and with nature, marks impulses for a more conscious inter-relation with the environment. Artistic work and practice has the potential to change ones own and others actions, thoughts and sensations for a place, specifically nature. How to create a more felt relation, for sustainable actions. A huge inspiration to find answers in this creative journey, is the author Charles Eisenstein, who talks about the INTERBEING - it is a word from the buddhist munch Thich Nhat Hanh. We are Inter-Beings.

Misko Festival is a residence organized by Simona Vaitkute, Lithuania, the theme: co-habitation. Artists from different disciplines, philosophy, ecology and others come together to explore, think, create and share their practices during 10 days. This creates a special space for community, interaction and reflection. The festival day marks a highlight, with performances, guided walks, lectures, talks, dances, films and regional food, all shared with and for an audience. People experience and witness a stronger connection with the environment, they get a feeling of the place by being invited to open up all their senses towards nature, through different practices.

Fotos by Migle Janusaite

Britta Schönbrunn © 2023‍